Real People. Real Results.
These unsolicited patient comments tell you about the service and benefits you will receive at Whole Health Solutions. All are used with patient permission.

"I just wanted to take a moment to thank you-more than words can say-for your amazing knowledge, commitment, organizational skills and care in helping me with my health restoration.
For some reason, I had the idea that you specialized in pain only, so, several years ago when I developed symptoms of what I thought was adrenal fatigue, I attempted to find and "in network" doctor who could help me. Having a passion for the field of disease prevention and studying every day, any book I can find by a functional type physcian, or disease-prevention topic, I put together evidence after evidence and took it from doctor to doctor only to be told over and over that’s not what it was... I just needed more rest... or magnesium... or this or that.
I continued to study & try desperately to put the pieces together fast enough to stay ahead of my demise but it overtook me… & then even began to interfere with my ability to study or function at all.
In desperation, I left a message…begging for an appointment…& was ecstatic to find out that you work with anyone who wants to gain & maintain whole body wellness. I knew you’d not only believe me, but be able to take the scraps of knowledge and symptoms I had and plug them into your AMAZING knowledge & experience to get to the bottom of my problem. I was in so over my head that I lost sight of the surface. So to “turn it over” to someone who could interpret my symptoms & help me… FINALLY was a tearful relief.
I certainly am continuing to read and study & will do my absolute best to do my part of the healing by following your guidance clearly & being sensitive to my body’s message. But I just can’t than you enough for your passion, intelligence, & treatment plan to restore & help me maintain whole health. Thank you with all my heart!!" D.G.
"Thank you" for introducing me to the "BEAM ENERGY". It has made a huge difference in how I feel in a very short period of time. Literally after the first session I felt a layer of anxiety completely vanish. I have always been an "on the go", "type A",people pleaser. I felt an immediate calmness come over me after my first "BEAM" treatment an it hasn't left. For 3 months I put off confronting a friend about an incident that hurt me deeply. That day, I went home and wrote the first of two notes detailing the situation and why I was hurt. Normally I would have let the incident go and secretly harbored resentment. I was extremely clear and confident in what I needed to do, spoke my truth in a loving way and confronted the situation head on. Thank you for this therapy. I am excited to continue treatments to see how this technique can advance my healing journey.... Sincerely," Lynn
"Words cannot adequately express
The gratitude I have for you in my heart
From the very first appointment
When I pressed for help and information
You have been gracious, kind and available
I know that I have asked for more
Of your time than I should in my
Quest to learn how to thrive
You have always made me feel heard
And understood in the way that
You have taken care of me
Thank you so much for everything
You will always be counted as one of my treasures.
Love always", A.U.
"I just want to thank you for all that you have done for our family over the last six years. We came to you first when E. was so very ill. And since you have been there for us through thick and thin. We have never had a doctor like you. We appreciate the way you look at the whole body and spirit. We will never forget how important you have been in our lives. You made such a difference and for that we are grateful. Sincerely," FK
"Thank you so much for all the help you have given me over the years that I have been coming to you. You have always been head & shoulders above the rest clinically. In the past few years you have also helped me with the emotional components of my wellness by sharing your stories and connecting with me. You really are such a wonderful example of what a doctor is—A friend who knows how the body works and cares enough to figure out why it stops working. I appreciate you and all that you are doing for myself and the community. With much gratitude & friendship," M.M.
Preventive Aging, weight loss, chronic fatigue patient couple: “Thank you so much-your help made all the difference!! We are eternally grateful for you and your enormous expertise! Than you for your open, heartfelt sharing! M.G. & R.C.
"I’m so glad I found Whole Health Solutions! I appreciate the way they 1)methodically look for the root cause of the health problems, 2)offer non-Rx, natural treatment options that help the body heal itself, and 3) explain everything clearly. Whole Health Solutions welcome all questions and encourage their patients to be fully engaged in their wellness care. If only ALL doctors could be like this! Now I highly recommend Whole Health Solutions to family, friends and colleagues." S.J.
“Thank you for taking such good care of me. Thanks to you each day is a new beginning for me. You are a very special Dr. and person. You listen and care. I feel blessed to have a Dr. like you. It’s inspiring to me the way you approach life and medicine with a positive outlook. I will always think of you as the Angel that Saved me.” C. D-W.
Inflammatory arthritis patient: “Over a year and I’m still pain-free…than you for that." C.K.
"Before I came to your practice, I had lots of health issues, including high blood pressure and diabetes. These issues are no longer a problem as they have been dealt a heavy blow, thanks to you. I will like to express my heartfelt gratitude to you for the exceptional attention you give me each time I visit your practice. Ever since I enrolled in your First Line Therapy health coaching program, I have seen very great results. What amazes me is how almost everywhere I go, people would comment about how much I have lost weight and looking very young and fresh. Thanks to your program. I have consistently been following the guidelines as best as possible, eating portions from all the food groups provided in the program. The results are outstanding: I feel a new zest of life and energy in my bones. The only ‘downside’ is that I have to keep making adjustment in my wardrobe for new clothes to fit my new image, and that’s a good thing. Once again, I just want to thank you for helping me achieve this excellent health state. Sincerely, "
Christabel G.
"Two wonderful things going on in life right now (You and Total Motion). Thank you for sending me to therapy. With the food program and Total Motion I have potion in my motion and spark to my steps as I enjoy every day. Looking forward to feeling better & better!
Thank you, "Cheryl P.
"I wanted to take a moment to properly thank you for our visit with you on Wed. I was not my sharpest on that day and as you could see, emotionally drained. My husband and I really appreciated the time you took with us and your directness. I felt a HUGE sense of relief when you told me that I am not well. For years I have thought of myself as weak and as a result have motivated myself to overcome this weakness through various negative messages. In that one sentence, it was like a ton of bricks had been lifted from my shoulders. My thought was, “I haven’t been crazy (nor weak) all these years after all!” The ease with which I would fall into being emotionally overwhelmed you explained through simple biology. So, thank you for what you do. I am sure I may sound like many other patients you see. My husband said later of our visit with you, “She was selling hope and I was buying. "Sharon H.
"Bill and I are very grateful for your kindness and patience, and especially that you have chose to apply your knowledge and talents to help people like me sort through all of these many difficult issues.
We also appreciate that you have brought such a caring and capable staff to assist. Most sincerely with thanks," Betsy E.