Great video to really "get" the mind-body connection and how it works in your life.
"Matter is changed by mind. Many studies show that meditators have higher volumes of brain tissue, better sleep, fewer diseases, increased immunity, enhanced emotional health, reduced inflammation, slower aging, increased intercellular communiation, balanced neruotransmitters, greater longevity, and less stress." Mind to Matter book by Dawson Church, PhD
FREE YouTube Meditations and Teachings
Self-Love Guided Meditation for Women 2022 | Dr. Joe Dispenza | Turning Your Love Inward
Morning Meditation - UPDATED Version by Dr. Joe Dispenza (Guided Meditation)
50Min Powerful Guided Meditation | Create The Future You Want With Dr. Joe Dispenza
The Generous Present Moment | Guided Meditation by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Powerful Guided Meditation 2022 • Connect to the Energy of Your Future - Dr. Joe Dispenza
Dr. Joe DISPENZA: Life Changing MEDITATION - Deep HEALING! Listen Daily! [ADS FREE]
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