Root-cause diagnostics from specialty laboratories
Whole Health Solutions gets to the root cause through specialty testing which may not be offered by physicians untrained in Functional Medicine. Featuring testing by advanced laboratories, such as Genova Diagnostics, Metametrix, Doctor’s Data, Diagnostech, Igenex, Spectracell, Pathway Genomics, Great Plains and others. Click on the following links to learn more about the tests.
Genetic interpretation for methylation, brain & mood, detox pathways and more using your 23& Me results
Organic Acids Test (OAT) by Great Plains Laboratory. One simple urine test looks for many root causes of disease, including candida, detoxification issues, brain inflammation and mitochondrial function.
Nutritional Analysis by Functional Intracellular Assay (Spectracell and Genova)
Analysis for toxins and heavy metals
Advanced methods for detecting chronic infections, mold and immune dysfunction
Lyme disease testing from Global Lyme Diagnostics and Igenex Lyme disease testing

Bio-Impedance Analysis (BIA) of body composition and metabolism. BIA also determines hydration status, toxin risks and more. Included FREE for all New Patients!
We use specialized laboratory testing to focus on finding root causes. Incorporating the latest in genetic science, systems biology, and the understanding of how environmental and lifestyle factors influence the emergence and progression of disease, Functional Medicine helps you not only solve current health problems, it provides you with a matrix of vitality and vigor to prevent the diseases of aging.